Tuesday, July 5, 2022

How Much of a Break Do You Need?

As Long As It Takes...

Beach, Hammock, Blue Sky, Clouds
Depending on your culture or where you live, breaks from the hectic schedules of life can be looked down upon.  You may be considered lazy or a procrastinator when you long to remain in bed for the day or choose not to interact with the world for a bit of time.

The societal biggest mistake was when the concept of villages was largely discarded by the western world. It takes a village to not only raise a child, but to support a healthy adult. Whether you are a single parent, a sole proprietor, or only one of two adults in a household, things can get harried, because there are a limited number of adults that you can pass on your daily responsibilities to.

It's Okay if 4th of July Needs to be Extended.

You need independence from pain, heartache, fatigue, fear, toxicity and all things that don't serve. If you take the time you need, and send messages to the Universe to make up for your absence, everything will work out well and when you return to us, everyone will be all the better served by a more invigorated you.


source http://www.keen.com/CommunityServer/UserBlogPosts/Renee_Tarot/How-Much-of-a-Break-Do-You-Need/922467.aspx

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